Teaming with constellation of dreams, I'm a son of a middle class family. My parents never let me compromise on my dreams, they gave me whatever I wanted. Yes, its true, I had to convince them that why I need that stuff then only they used to buy me that stuff. In my initial days of education, everytime I got passed and promoted with a rank in my class, without even asking, my gift used to be there waiting for me to be opened.
Days went by like the same. When I grew up, I started seeing dreams with open eyes. I started imagining how my life would be if I could achieve this position or if I could make that much amount of money. When I was in my 10th grade, I aspired to be a Software Engineer but by that time, my mind was more into extra curricular activities rather than in studies. Along with that, there was a girl in my class who was my one of the best friend from 6th grade (I believe), I had a crush on her but never had guts to tell her. After we finished our 10th grade, I could not opt for Science as my marks were not upto the mark. First time I compromised in my life by opting for Commerce but to add to my problems, I could not opt for Commerce cuz I scored less in Mathematics (Like every normal boy). I had to switch over to some other school. In all this, I had lost contact with my ever lasting crush. I was doing pretty much well in my new school in studies, sports and extra curricular activities. Because of my interest in every activity taking place in school, I was nominated as Vice School Captain. Although I couldn't make it to the designation, I had to settle down with School Prefect in my 11th and 12th grade. Life was more of a fun in school days. Placing crackers near water tanks, in toilets, in staff rooms, during morning assembly was part of our routine during diwali days. Undoubtedly, we were held responsible for every misdeed happened in school. One day after 2 years, I got to know from my friend that the girl I had crush on had gone to some other country and luckily or coincidently, we met again online. I had serious crush on her and wen I met her again, I confessed to her but she said she needs some time to think. Everything was fine and our exams were sitting on our heads. This time, I didn't want to ruin my exams so gave a hault to my interactions for some time. Being a distinction holder in subjects like Account, Business Studies, Computer Science and English, my teachers had tremendous faith in me and I was overburdened by it than by studies. Luckily, their faith turned out to be true and again I scored distinctions in almost every subject. When I entered my 11th grade, my career interest shifted to Journalism from being a Software specialist. After my 12th grade, I chose Journalism as my subject in grads. Never being much into studies, i was more often indulged into some other activities. Our group of friends was more into SO CALLED public service, fighting for the rights of fellow students, and what not and making sure that we never come into limelight or else we would be suspended. Everything was going as expected, results were impressive which got me an internship with a leading english daily in New Delhi. As expected from me by my friends, I never went there after 2 days of joining. Teachers were impressed by our participation in activities, getting good results. Somehow in our last semester, something went wrong from both the sides. Teachers couldn't complete their course and we made a scene outside our MD's office with me being the main culprit because unknowingly or rather say in aggression, I abused my MD on his secretary's face, which made an issue and screwed me to an extent. I was barred from final exams. I was asked to get my parents. But I was also killer, I told my mom everything about what happened. Although she wanted to come but I told her that a letter from her will do. I got a letter faxed from her into my institute to submit and I dont know how each of the admin staff started praising me along with my principal so my MD had no choice than to issue me my roll number. We cleared our grads with good grades. By that time I had lost interest in journalism and wanted to opt for Public Relations.
I joined a PG Diploma in PR and went for some training. I could perform well in my mid terms as well as in my training and in 1 and a half month, I became permanent employee of the company, a close knitted company. I got to do some prestigious assignments of my life in my initial days like for JCB India, OCM Suitings, Aepona, Ms. Kiran Bedi, His Highness Sh. Jyotiraditya Scindia. After all that, it was a time for me to move, to move out of my territory, to conquer the world and then I decided to move to Mumbai, city of dreams, city of opportunities, city full of glamor. All this while, my love for my friend was increasing. I met her once during her last visit to India and talked over our relation. She said complete no-no but after that she said she need time to think. Time went by, I came to mumbai. Its been now 8 years, I have been waiting my friend to respond to my proposal. In my new office, I could prove myself very well in a short span of time. I joined as an Account Executive in May 2008 and in October 2008, I was an Account Manager.
Professionally, I think I'm going great, drawing a good salary at a nascent stage, still dreaming with open eyes to accompalish various things in life, to lead a lavish life with my family, venturing into new arenas of my profession. Life has been more like a stock market to me, with lots of ups n downs, a roller coaster ride; still trying to understand its core message.
Okz Bro, that's Y all ur gtalks msgs keeps on changing from Stock Mkt to Love n Hate relationship... But i must say ur blog is gng really well, KEEP IT UP.
Waiting for more new posts...
ummm...i must say..u wrote ur life account quite well...in some way or the other it has given an opportunity to know the other side of you...and maybe some people will know and recognize your true self....
keep updating it...
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